Clean Air at Talisman Tattoo
Growing research shows how important air quality is in limiting the transmission of SARS COV-2 in community settings. Coughing and sneezing can expel contaminated droplets that are heavy and often fall to surfaces, which is why we must clean surfaces often. But even talking or just breathing releases even smaller, potentially contaminated particulates that aren’t heavy enough to fall to surfaces. Instead, they can float around in the air for hours and be breathed in through someone else’s nose or mouth. With our mask policy in place, this should reduce the amount of particulates in our shop, but it won’t completely eliminate them. That is why we have invested in 2 Air purifiers that use UV sterilization as well as true HEPA filters. It is also recommended that businesses install MERV filters with 13 or higher rating, which will trap 90% or more of all particulates. At Talisman we have MERV14 filters in our HVAC that will be changed every 2 months. There are many different kinds of air purifiers with different levels of efficiency. Here are the details about the systems we will have running at our studio in hopes that we can all breathe easy and safely.

The AirPura P600
The Airpura P600 is the world’s most effective portable air purifier for the suppression of microorganisms and particle filtration. It’s a complete system for all levels of air purification. It provides total protection from particles, chemicals, and VOC’s, PLUS microorganisms. Combining 18 pounds of carbon, 40 square feet of true HEPA filtration, UV sterilization, and photocatalytic oxidation, the P600 will keep you safe from the dangers of airborne chemicals and contagious microorganisms effective up to 2500sq ft.
Effective air purification begins with efficient filters. In addition to the true HEPA filter and 18-pound carbon filter, the Airpura P600 includes UV + TitanClean Reflector which provides Photocatalytic Oxidation. It’s the number 1 choice for those who require complete removal of chemical and micro-organisms. Even the cleanest homes, laboratories, and offices may contain harmful pathogens and dangerous airborne particles including chemicals, viruses & VOCs.
Superior 5-Stage Purification in the Airpura P600 Air Purifier
- Stage 1 – Pre-Filter – The pre-filter will trap large particles such as lint, dander, hairs, and dust. Replacing the pre-filter on a regular basis is important in order to maintain the integrity and life of the Carbon and HEPA filters. The prefilter is 1″ thick and contains 570 square inches of material.
- Stage 2 – 18 Pound Carbon Module – Carbon is KING when it comes to odor, gas, and chemical removal. The 18-pound carbon bed in the Airpura P600 air purifier is ample enough to last for 2 years! How does the carbon continue to adsorb chemicals and odors for such a long time?Activated carbon has millions of tiny pores between the carbon atoms. There are so many of these pores that one pound of activated carbon has a surface area of 60 to 150 acres. Adsorption is the process where certain chemicals, gases, VOC’s and odors are attracted to activated carbon and then bond to it. The millions of pores in the activated carbon provide an enormous surface area to adsorb these chemicals.
- Stage 3 – SUPER HEPA-614 Filter – The 614 SUPER HEPA filter is 99.99 % efficient @ 0.3 microns ~ that’s .01 percent shy of 100%! This upgrade guarantees a superior level of protection from allergens, pollen, and lung-damaging dust. It’s especially geared for those with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) as well as allergy and asthma sufferers. It provides fast and effective filtration from all microscopic allergens and dust including (but not limited to) pet odors, tobacco smoke, household cleaners, mold, and plant spores, pollen, dust mites, pet dander, bird feather dust, cigarette smoke, and asbestos dust.
- Stage 4 – UV Sterilization – A 20-watt lamp of germicidal UV protection is positioned in the filter chamber. As microbes pass through the filters, they are sterilized by the ultraviolet. They cannot get passed the UV lamp without being exposed to 30,000 μm per sec², which renders their DNA useless. The UV lamp is effective for 10,000 hours and can be turned on and off as desired.
- Stage 5 – TitanClean Photocatalytic Oxidization Reflector – A metal surface coated with a metal oxide is irradiated with UV light to produce hydroxyl radicals and super-oxide ions. The hydroxyl radicals and super-oxide ions break the molecular bonds of chemicals they come into contact with and break them into smaller compounds until only carbon dioxide and water vapor are left.

The EnviroKlenz UV | Portable Air Purifier
The EnviroKlenz UV portable air purifier is perfect for those who suffer from allergies, asthma or multiple chemical sensitivities. Dental Offices love the Enviroklenz UV because it’s the best air cleaner for eliminating mold, mildew, germs, virus, and bacteria. Effective in areas up to 750 square feet.
Since the EnviroKlenz combines a patented VOC air filter cartridge with a HEPA filter that’s bathed in UV light, it removes over 99.97% of airborne contaminants. Hospital-grade filtration provides maximum air cleaning efficiency so our break room and supply room will be free from pollen, dust, odors, mold, gasses, fragrance, chemical off-gassing, VOCs, allergens, bacteria, virus and more.
3 Super-Effective Stages in the EnviroKlenz UV Air Purifier
VOC Filter Cartridge – The patented EnviroKlenz-Air Cartridge features a proprietary “Adsorptive Neutralization” process that adsorbs toxic and noxious odors, smoke, chemicals, gasses, fragrance, VOCs, and more.
Replace the easy-to-install cartridge every 4-6 months.- UVC – Ultraviolet Germicidal Radiation (UVC) – UVC lamps are located just before the HEPA filter. This positioning ensures that any bacteria, mold, mildew, virus, germs, or microorganisms that are captured by the HEPA filter are permanently destroyed and cannot escape back into your environment.
Indicator lights will let you know when UV lamps need to be replaced. Or, replace when HEPA filter is changed. True HEPA Filter – The hospital-grade HEPA filter Removes over 99.97% of particles 0.3 microns from the air that passes through the filter. Ultra-fine fiber medium captures microscopic particles for a truly clean, contaminant-free breathing zone.